Backward and Forward Thinking Phrases

Many times when you are writing technical articles or books, you don't want to immediate discuss topics that are not relevant to the current topic; however, they are beyond the scope of the current topic or they will bediscussed later. Below is a list of forward-thinking phrases that I have compiled over the years.

  1. This is beyond the scope of this ____________________ (i.e., book, article, etc.)
  2. Without getting into the specifics now of how to use _________________, you will see how to ___________________ later.
  3. See the section "<Section name goes here>" for more details.
  4. In this chapter you learn how to ________________. In the next chapter, you will learn how to _______________________.
  5. We will continue our explanation after ______________________________________.
  6. We will talk moreabout _______________________ in the __________________ section of this ___________________.
  7. We will look at this again later in the _______________________________.
  8. For now, don't concern yourself about the intricacies of _______________________. Instead focus on how _________________ is ______________ (i.e., selected, etc.)
  9. The lesson to take away from this discussion is ________________________.
  10. Later in this ________________ (i.e., training), you will see how to use ___________________. At that point it will because clear how _______________________ works.
  11. A thorough understanding of _______________________ is not required.
  12. If you are already familiar with __________________________, feel free to skip ahead to ____________________________ where we will begin our discussion of ______________________.
  13. The important concept to take away from this discussion is that _____________________________________.
  14. A loosely related analogy will help to explain _____________________________________.
  15. The companion web site may have additional information on this ______________  (i.e., subject, topic) in the future.
  16. We will work with ________________ but for now, it is helpful to think of them as _______________________________.
  17. ______________ is discussed in more detail  in _______________________ (i.e., chapter, section, etc.)
  18. There are <number> more _________________________ which will be cover as part of a larger topic ______________________ later in the ______________________(i.e., chapter, section, etc.)