First, preview a page with images on it in a browser. You will notice that you can right-click on an image or text to save it to your computer. Now, we add a javascript file to prevent this from happening.


Link the provided Java Script file (disablerightclick.js) to your page by selecting the Insert>HTML>Script Objects>Script menu option. In the dialog box, select the text/javacript as the Type from the combo box if it is not already selected. Click the folder icon and navigate to the provided javascript file and click the OK button. That's it!!!

Load the page in a browser and try to right-click on the image or text.  The javascript file will prevent you from doing so.

CAUTION: This is NOT a foolproof way of protecting your images. Somone can easily turn off JavaScript and then download your images.  In order to better protect your images, you could hide the Javascript file using a https:// protocol (this is a secure version of the http:// protocol). You also need to write an instruction to the user if they have JavaScript turn off (See example below):

Rich Media Creative Services uses javascript to provide testing functionality and your browser is not configured to allow javascript.   Please change your browser settings to allow javascript to view testing portion of this site.