While there are many things that can be written about XML, the following statement captures the essence of an XML file:

An XML file is well formed poor-man self-describing flat vertical database that is a universal language for the web and other applications.

Well Formed

Tags (elements) has be be written correctly. If  you open a tag you need to close a tag. etc.


Unlike HTML in which you have to use pre-existing elements like the <p> tags, <div> tags, etc., in XML you write your OWN elements (tags). By giving the element a descriptive names, the content of the elements will become self-describing. For example, you don't have to guess what to place in between a pair of elements like <firstname>   </firstname>.


Flat refers to the fact that it is similiar to a single table or like Microsoft Excel which is consider a flat database. So there is no concept of multiple tables and relationships (one-to-one, one-to-many, etc.)

Poor Man Database

Because you don't need any special software, anybody can create basic xml data using notepad or Textpad.

Vertical Database

Unlike like other databases that have the records displayed horizontally in a set of rows. XML "records" are displayed typically as repeating nodes whose record data is displayed vertically.

Universal Language

XML can "talk" to most programs...

CAUTION: It is important the if you create an set of <image> tags or any tag that represent an image that you DO NOT include spaces between the tags; otherwise, the image will not render in Dreamweaver (i.e., use <image>myimage.jpg</image> and not <image>  myimage  </image>).