CSS3 Animation Properties

Animation must be bind to a selector type by specifying at least these two properties:

The following table lists the @keyframes rule and all the animation properties:




Specifies the animation keyframes


A shorthand property for setting ALL the animation properties, except the animation-play-state and the animation-fill-mode property

animation-name (REQUIRED)

Specifies the name of the @keyframes animation

animation-duration (REQUIRED)

Specifies how many seconds or milliseconds an animation takes to complete one cycle


Specifies when the animation will start


Specifies whether or not the animation should play in reverse on alternate cycles


Specifies the number of times an animation should be played


Specifies the speed curve of the animation


Specifies what CSS properties will apply for the element when the animation is finished or when it has a delay


Specifies whether the animation is running or paused


NOTE: Beside the required animation-name and animation-duration properties, two other animation properties that are good to assign is animation-timing-function (or easing) which determine how the speed is DISTRIBUTED across the animation (i.e. fast to slow, slow to fast, etc.)
There are two major ways of defining easing:

1. Predefined key words include:

2. The second way to define easing is to use the easing function (i.e., cubic-bezier(x1, y1, x2, y2)). The easing keywords are actually shortcuts of Bezier curves as such you can define you own. Go to http://www.cubic-bezier.com/  to define your own and then copy and paste the code into your project.
-webkit-animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier (.53, 1.46, 1,-0.49);
Ceaser is another tool that can be used that is located at http://mathewlein.com/ceaser/
The second is the animation-iteration-count which determines how many times the animation will play. The default is 1 if it is not defined.

NOTE: Two additional properties are animation-delay (how long the animation will delay before starting in units of second or milliseconds) and animation-fill-mode. Normally, the animation will move back to its original position, to prevent this set the animation-fill-mode.

The final two properties that you may want to set is the animation-direction for each iteration:

And the animation-play-state which determine whether the animation is running or paused